Since society has moved away from traditional reasons for marriage, it has also moved away from traditional wedding gift-giving. The idea of gifting newly married couples dates back to way before we were even born.
Traditionally, wedding guests would give the couple gifts to help them ‘become’ a couple, meaning couples would expect to receive useful gifts that would help to consummate their marriage as man and wife, as new home sharers.
But these days are long gone for most people. For contemporary couples, the idea that a woman ‘belongs’ to her father before she gets married, or the idea that couples meet for the first time at the altar, has been left in the past. It seems fair to say now that most contemporary couples meet long before their wedding day, and, likely, they’ve already moved in together way before.
So, for those couples who were dreading receiving another new toaster, don’t worry. Although you no longer need the basics for your home, car, etc. Your guests know that you’ll still be expecting a gift, and cash wedding gifts are perfect!
But fortunately, as couples are modernizing, so are the wedding industry experts. So there’s no need to find yourself stuck between a rock and hard place, trying to think of what to do with the mountain of gifts you’ve received.
Why Online Cash Wedding Gifts?
The latest trend for wedding gifts is online cash registries, and something tells us it’s going to be a trend for a while… An online cash gift registry is the easiest way to receive gifts from your loved ones. And they don’t even have to leave their home to do it!
Cash lifts make everything so simple – in just a few steps, you can receive all of your wedding gifts in one place. Just simply give your guests a link where they can transfer the money to your account, or make a website through a company like Zankyou where you can create your website and registry all in the same place.
How To Ask For Cash Gifts?
The problem, however, is that many couples don’t know how to ask for cash. But as soon as you get over that fear, the rest is easy as pie!
Be direct. Make sure that when you ask for cash gifts, you specify why you prefer to receive cash, and let your guests know what they will be contributing towards. This way, your friends and family know exactly what they’ll be, in essence, buying for you!
The easiest way to do this is online, as you can inform your guests of this all in the same place. And, with companies like Zankyou, this is easy – you can give them full details online without having to have a number of conversations with all of your guests individually.
Be sincere. Make sure that in order to not come across as rude, you give your full explanation, and thank each and every one of them. Also, remember that some guests may not feel comfortable with giving cash gifts, so will want to give you a physical gift, which of course is lovely of them! So be prepared for this response, and make sure you are thankful and understanding of their decision.